Frequently Asked Questions

We suggest you read your CC & R's (Codes, Covenants and Restrictions) that you received when you purchased your home. These documents were presented by the title company at closing and are recorded with the county. They will also be available as a download shortly.

Q. What is my Lot Number?

A. You an see the map to determine your lot number here.

Q. What are the benefits of a Home Owners Association (HOA)?

A. Many people who chose to live here, did so because there is a Home Owners Association (HOA). There are many benefits to living in this HOA community. In phase II for example there is a community park that can be used for children to play in. Our HOA ensures that homes will look as they did when they were new. Also our neighborhood will stay clean, landscaped and kept up by having a good HOA. Finally, by keeping our HOA well organized, we ensure that our properties will get the resale value they deserve. Bottom line - we are increasing the value of our properties!!

Q. Where does my annual HOA Dues of $175 go?

A. After recently reviewing past bills we were able to get pretty idea of where the $175 per home goes. Take a look at these estimates. They may be higher or lower depending on season and other variables.

Amount Item
$6.00 Miscellaneous costs (annual event, stamps, copies, newsletter)
$6.00 Administration costs (call answering, voice message service, etc.)
$16.00 Bookkeeping costs (invoicing, collections, postage, statements)
$10.00 Management (CMS software, HOA MGT. software, Accounting software)
$9.00 Technology (domain, hosting, website, email)
$40.00 Landscaping of common area park (summer)
$10.00 Sprinkler maintenance (summer)
$8.00 Water/Sewer bill
$7.00 Lawyer Collections (past due payments, fines)
$8.00 Power Bill - Sump Pump
$10.00 Reserve Fund - Improvements, Repairs and Maintenance
$45.00 HOA Mgt Company
$175.00 Total annual dues (actual costs vary from year to year)

Q. Find homeowner of a lot

Meter and sump pump box for Brookway Drive..

Sump Pump Man Hole for Brookway Drive.

Meter and sump pump box for Montrone.

Sump Pump Man Hole for Montrone.

NorthWest View of Sunrise Park.

NorthEast View of Sunrise Park and Sprinkler box and Power Meter.

Q. Will the HOA fee ever go up?

A. The HOA fee can be raised annually. In addition, should an unexpected emergency expense come up, homeowners may be assessed special fees to pay for these expenses. Should a homeowner not maintain their home or property however, this is not the responsibility of the HOA and the homeowner will be expected to pay for their own maintenance and repairs, even if the HOA has to step in to get past due work finished.

Q. How many homes are in our community and what are the boundaries?

A. There are 124 homes in our HOA. 77 homes in Phase I (Brookway Dr., Asplund Cir, Sunbrook Pl., Losser) and 47 homes in Phase II (Montrone, Tolman Crest, 3200 W.)

sunrise plat

Q. How do I get involved?

A. Contact the board or the managment company here and let them know of your interest. Volunteers are welcome and there are many opportunities to serve in the HOA.

Q. Who is our management company?

A. Currently Sunrise Pointe does not have the funds to hire a management company full time. To do so would require HOA dues to double as of last price research. The Board, the ACC and other homeowners are volunteering their time to help keep costs down. In addition the board is able to do much of the HOA mgt with web based software - whereas in the past this was not possible.

Q. Why should I pay HOA dues when nothing around here has happened in the past - it's like my money is getting thrown away.

A. You're right! In the past (prior to 2006) our HOA was managed poorly. The HOA was managed by past developers. Their goal was to sell homes not necessarily to manage an HOA community. Even though this was the case - there are bills that have to be paid (see breakdown below). Now that the developer has turned over the HOA to homeowners - we have organized a board, management company and Architectural Control Committee (HOA) all made up of homeowners who want our neighborhood to be safe, beautiful and valuable for resale.

Q What happens if I don't pay my fee or if I am past due?

A. There is a minimum late fee charge of $30/month for past due association fees. If we do not receive you payment on time we may forward your account to our legal for collections in which case you will be required to pay collections, lawyer, legal, court and any other fees in connection with collecting on your account. Interest and/or fees begins following payment due. Statements are sent a month prior to the due date so there is plenty of time for the payment to be sent in.

Q. How did I become a part of the HOA? Do I have to be in the HOA?

A. Being a member of the HOA (Home Owners Association) is mandatory by West Valley City to all those who own a home in the Sunrise Pointe Subdivision. It was the agreement made by the city to allow the subdivision to be made that all homeowners be a part of the HOA.

Q. How is West Valley City involved with our HOA?

A. Our HOA is incorporated by West Valley City. It is a legal corporation. All home owners benefit by living in this neighborhood because the city allows us to make sure certain steps are taken to keep the community looking beautiful. For example, if someone puts foil on their windows in a non-hoa community - the city could not do anything. In our HOA however, the city and law give us power to enforce the removal of such eye-sores by permitting fines to the property owner if compliance is not met within reasonable time. In some cases, if fines are not paid, a lien can even be put on a home allowing further enforcement of good rules to be realized.

Q. When I move what should I do?

Please notify the board by email at board at when you move or change ownership. This way we can get the appropriate documents to the new homeowner such as rules, regulations and CC & R's.  There is a transfer fee of $200 whenever a homeowner changes ownership. This fee covers administrative costs with the transfer, accounting ledgers, and issuing a certificate of good standing once the lot is free and clear. The fee can be paid by the buyer, seller or split by both on the closing documents.